1. Missing Rio Doce (2024) | IDFA Festival
Missing Rio Doce ... In 2015, Brazil was struck by the biggest environmental disaster in its history, when the dam for a mine reservoir collapsed and 40 million ...
In 2015, Brazil was struck by the biggest environmental disaster in its history, when the dam for a mine reservoir collapsed and 40 million cubic meters of toxic sludge flooded into the Rio Doce. The pollution then spread out for hundreds of kilometers—all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Filmmaker Claudia Neubern wanted to see for herself how it affected the residents and traveled to the area. She talks to fishers who have been confronted with a dead river and farmers whose land has become unusable.Neubern mainly focuses on Joelma, a farmer who demands compensation in order to repair the damage that was caused to her fields and orchards. She won’t accept that the mining company tries to slip her—and many others like her—a few wooden nickels. On a journey down the Rio Doce, Neubern speaks with Joelma, her daughters and other resilient women. They observe how greed has destroyed a once-prosperous community. Meanwhile, the trains carrying iron ore, symbols of an almighty mining industry, keep traveling through the valley.

2. Missing Rio Doce (2024) | IDFA Festival
Missing Rio Doce. Saudades do Rio Doce. Claudia Neubern. Frankrijk, Brazilië. 2024. 72 ... do 21 november 2024. 21.15–22.49. Tuschinski 3. Film volledig Engels ...
In 2015 werd Brazilië getroffen door de grootste milieuramp uit zijn geschiedenis. De dam van een mijnreservoir brak, waarna veertig miljoen kubieke meter giftig slib de Rio Doce instroomde. De vervuiling verspreidde zich vervolgens over honderden kilometers tot aan de Atlantische Oceaan. Filmmaker Claudia Neubern wil met eigen ogen zien wat de gevolgen zijn voor de bewoners van het gebied. Ze spreekt met vissers die geconfronteerd worden met een dode rivier en met boeren van wie de gronden onbruikbaar zijn geworden. Neubern richt zich vooral op Joelma, een boerin die compensatie eist om de schade aan haar akkers en boomgaarden te herstellen. Ze accepteert niet dat het mijnbouwbedrijf haar, en vele van haar lotgenoten, met een fooi probeert af te schepen. Op hun reis stroomafwaarts langs de Rio Doce spreken Neubern, Joelma en haar dochters andere strijdvaardige vrouwen en zien ze hoe een welvarende gemeenschap kapot is gemaakt door hebzucht. Ondertussen blijven de treinen met ijzererts door de vallei rijden, symbool van de almacht van de mijnbouwindustrie.

3. Missing Rio Doce - Les Films de l'œil sauvage
Bevat niet: (2024) | Resultaten tonen met:(2024)
Missing Rio Doce
4. Brazil: where the toxic river feeds communities - Slow Food
21 dec 2015 · The Rio Doce, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, suffered the country's worst environmental disaster, after the collapse of two tailings dams.
On November 5, the Rio Doce, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, suffered the country’s worst environmental disaster, after […]

5. 28 – Biodiversity conservation - Renova Foundation
On the 27th and 28th of May 2024, the Year II Monitoring Meeting of the PABA - Action Plan for the Recovery and Conservation of the aquatic fauna of the Doce ...
Diagnosis of impacts on water quality and aquatic biodiversity, followed by actions for recovery and conservation of aquatic fauna.

6. Why are victims of a Brazil dam disaster suing miner BHP in a ...
23 okt 2024 · According to a news release published by BHP on October 19, $7.9bn has already been paid between 2016 and September 2024, about $18bn is to be ...
The mining giant faces a potential $47bn lawsuit filed by at least 600,000 people over the 2015 mining disaster.

7. Mining waste reaches Brazilian coast two weeks after BHP dam collapse
23 nov 2015 · Around 50m cubic metres of mining residue has been working its way down the Rio Doce since the accident at the Fundão dam, controlled by the ...
Tide is expected to spread along a 5.5-mile stretch of coastline, threatening a nature reserve after killing plants and animals along 400 miles of the Rio Doce

8. Benga Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor - GEM.wiki
19 sep 2024 · Rio Tinto stated that the Benga project had been granted a mining concession "with initial coal for export scheduled before the end of the year.
Benga Coal Mine is an operating coal mine in Tete, Mozambique.

9. Case study: Poor Stakeholder Management Effects
... Rio Doce, destroying cities and local communities. The dam belonged to ... Most energy and mining projects take place far away from HQ, with managers ...
Vale went from a high-standards company to one that puts local communities at risk, with low attention to regulation and preparedness to react to crisis.
10. Anger rises as Brazilian mine disaster threatens river and sea with toxic mud
22 nov 2015 · With the oxygen levels in the Rio Doce drastically reduced by 50m cubic metres of mining waste, the plant and animal life along the river has ...
Conservationists and engineers battle to reduce the ecological fallout as mud and iron-ore residue from the BHP Billiton-Vale dam collapse flows down the Rio Doce to the Atlantic

11. Toxic elements found in water weeks after Brazil's mine disaster — Vale
27 nov 2015 · Toxic materials, such as arsenic, were found in the water of the Rio Doce river days after a dam burst at a mine in Brazil earlier this month.
Company confirms that the Institute for Water Management in Minas Gerais (IGAM) found levels of arsenic, lead and other toxic elements many times higher than the legal maximums along the river.

12. Deadly anniversary: Rio Doce, Brazil's worst environmental disaster, 5 ...
Bevat niet: Missing | Resultaten tonen met:Missing
On November 5, 2015 an iron ore mine tailings dam owned by Samarco, a joint venture of Vale and BHP Billiton, two of the world’s largest mining firms, collapsed in Mariana, Brazil. Life along Rio Doce has not been the same since.

13. Teresa Margolles - Artists - James Cohan
For over twenty-five years, Teresa Margolles (b. 1963, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico) has investigated the social and aesthetic dimensions of conflict, ...
Features contemporary art, painting, sculpture, video, installations, photography and editions by established and emerging American and international artists.
14. Inventory of atmospheric emissions in thermoelectric power plants
Generation of electricity, emissions and list of companies that own fossil fuel and public service thermoelectric plants of the National Interconnected System
Executive summary of the study